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Balkan Institute for Science and Innovation (BISI) was opened at the University of Montenegro

Prof. Danilo Nikolić, Rector of the University of Montenegro and prof. Jean-Marc Gambaudo, Rector of Université Côte d’Azur, have signed an agreement on the establishment of the Balkan Institute for Science and Innovation (BISI), as a result of strategic cooperation between the University of Montenegro (UoM) and Université Côte d’Azur (UCA), France.

“This agreement represents the result of years of cooperation, mutual support and mutual interest of the two universities. It was preceded by a Memorandum of cooperation which has been signed at the end of September last year. This is an important activity in the field of internationalization that will achieve better international positioning of the University of Montenegro. This Institute will be strategically positioned as a regional scientific camp or center, aimed at unification of the research and innovative capacities of Balkans and South-East Europe”, Rector Nikolić said.

The Rector of Université Côte d’Azur emphasized that the opening of the Institute represented a deeper way of cooperation between the two universities, as well as the important role of the University of Montenegro, that is, according to him, the leading partner in the South-East Europe.

The signing was attended by many representatives of institutions from Montenegro (representatives of the Ministry of Science, National Erasmus+ Office, vice-deans and representatives of the Steering Committee of the University of Montenegro…), as well as a number of representatives of institutions from France.

Previous 69 international credit mobility projects awarded to Montenegro under the Call for proposals 2018


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